Welcome to “Kid’s Money Farm”!
Printable Play Money Templates For Kids
for fun ways to teach your kids how to handle money.
These free Printable play money templates help make games and lessons unforgettable!
There’s even a template for you to add your own faces to printed money!

Take advantage of our special newsletter offer today.
The first 1000 Newsletter sign-ups will receive access to our pre-release Video Lessons on “How to Teach Your Kids UNFORGETTABLE Lessons On Handling Money and Avoiding Debt!”
The first of 3 videos has been released! Sign-up for our newsletter today to see this special pre-release!
How Fake Play Money Templates Can Help Your Kids Learn about money:
Kids take a higher interest in things that they feel ownership of what they are using. Nothing says “OWNERSHIP” better than your very own picture on the printed fake play money.
- Children can learn a lot of essential lessons through role play with fake pretend money (example: Setup a “pretend” grocery or candy store and have your kids shop with only a set amount of funds. They’ll have a blast and won’t even realize they are learning about budgeting!)
- Older kids can learn money counting skills by being the cashier in the lesson
- Math skills are sharpened using visual aids (the visual aid being the printed money of course)
- Example object lessons with fake pretend money is much more effective than lessons on worksheets
- Use the template printed money as a reward/point system. If they reach a certain goal in play money given, reward them with something they deserve (You have to decide what’s within reason)
Create your own money right now FREE!
Template Directory
PersonalMoney DinoDollars PuppyMoney RealisticTemplates